Tuesday, October 5, 2010

In London at last.

We arrived at Heathrow at 5:30am, we both had little sleep, but didn't feel too bad. We got on the tube, first to Piccadilly Circus, changed trains to Charing Cross. Came up out of the underground right at Trafalgar Square, Nelsons Column and all. We weren't supposed to get into our hotel room until 3:00pm, but they let us have it at 8:00 am, what a bonus.

John at Trafalgar Square at around 6:30am.  Later, we found Scotland Yard.
We walked from about 10am until 3pm. Only took 210 photos. Now back at the hotel downloading etc.Very buggered, having a rest until dinner. Pleasantly surprised at the prices, had two pub meals and a drink each for 10 pounds and 50P. Bought a litre bottle of italian wine for about 5 pounds at Marks and Spencers. I was thinking that I would be paying at least double these prices. Fell asleep and woke up at 7:30 pm.

1 comment:

  1. I am sure I posted a comment on here a week ago...Oh well...I hope you are both having a great time. I reckon you could spend a week in London and still not see everything there is to see. xoxo
